Full-time PADI® Instructors and Divemasters get to spend every day underwater helping people explore the underwater world. But what happens when divers stop coming? For some PADI Pros, lockdown [...]
This week marks the 32nd season of Discovery Channel’s Shark Week, appearing in more than 220 countries and territories around the world – a clear sign that it’s the perfect opportunity for PADI® [...]
Plastic pollution in our oceans is a huge problem, but Mr. Trash Wheel, WasteShark and a young man with some famous friends are here to help. Take a few minutes to read some good news (finally) [...]
As divers and ocean-lovers, we are well aware that the health of coral reefs is declining globally due to a wide variety of threats – from rising ocean temperatures, to overfishing, and [...]
In recent times, the internet has become flooded with articles, influencers and companies focused on conservation and preserving the planet. It has never been easier to educate yourself on the [...]
Every day, with every purchase we make, we vote for the kind of world we want. That’s why we’re launching PADI LOVES™ – a curated marketplace featuring sustainable, eco-conscious products for [...]
For more than two decades, scientists have been telling us that Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are one of the keys to long term ocean health. While some debated their worth early on, today there’s [...]
You may have seen the film, Watermorphosis, on our social media channels. With it’s different approach and integration of artistic expression in the telling of the plastic pollution problem [...]
Written by Laura Walton YOU: “I’m learning to scuba dive” THEM: “Wow, you must be really good at holding your breath!” YOU: “Actually, no, the first rule of scuba diving is that you keep [...]
The planet’s environmental health is the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced. Looking at the innovation, initiatives and social ground swell happening on all fronts, we know we can rise to [...]