The sensational Sydney cockle, causing a stir online. Photo: D. Monceaux By Heather Creech Dan is a South Australian freediver who loves to snorkel the Port River estuary – a site near Adelaide’s [...]
By Divers Alert Network Operating within limits will help protect youfrom oxygen toxicity. Photo Courtesy: DAN/Stephen Frink Oxygen toxicity is a serious condition, and many divers struggle to [...]
Words by Jill Heinerth When she’s not cave diving, Diane Morrell works for Spinal Cord Injury Ontario as a rehab counsellor. She is also a Director of Freedom at Depth. Photo: Rita Lemgruber [...]
By Margo Peyton Kids can develop better communication skills with parents whilst diving, sometimes even learning sign language. Photo courtesy: Kids Sea Camp Family bonding: It is the perfect way [...]
These days you hear “never stop learning” so much it’s practically a cliché, but for good reason. Today technologies and methodologies evolve rapidly so that more than at any time in history, [...]
Are you tempted to expand your scuba knowledge, but don’t know where to start? Take our fun quiz to get some inspiration… Q1: What do you love most about diving? A: Breathing underwater B: [...]
What a year 2018 has been! 2019 has a lot to live up to that’s for sure. To make it a great one, I’ve set the following freediving intentions for the year… The post 2019: A Fresh Year of [...]
Text and Photo by Jill Heinerth I’ve been told that I have a problem intellect, meaning that I am always in pursuit of learning. I think that is quite true. If I am not challenged with novelty [...]
Photo: Jill Heinerth By Dr. David Sawatzky Rebreathers are becoming ever more common in the diving community, and in diving fatality records. I wanted to write a column on rebreather [...]
Traditionally we’ve treated water as if the supply were endless, but the planet’s running out. Conservation is critical. Photo: Jill Heinerth Text and Photography by Jill Heinerth The bright [...]