Long haul flight survival

Spending hours inside a metal tube at 30,000 feet with hundreds of other passengers is not the best way to start a vacation. Fly & Sea Dive Adventures ease the pressure…
Take Vitamin C
There is nothing worse than arriving at your destination and not being able to dive because you caught a head cold on the plane. Load up on Vitamin C for a few days before your flight and also during the long hours you’re in the air.
Create a survival kit
You’re going to need some amenities in order to keep fresh and comfortable, like a toothbrush and toothpaste, chapstick, and eye drops. Pack all of your essentials in a small pouch and place it at the very top of your carry on. When you get on the plane, put it in the seat pocket in front of you.
Pack some entertainment
Pack something in your carry-on that will occupy your mind for at least half the flight. A book, some podcasts, music, an iPad loaded with movies, and of course a copy of DIVER magazine!
Bring your own snacks
Throw a bag of nuts or a granola bar in your carry on, something rich in fiber, an ingredient often lacking in the meals served by airlines (and help avoid traveler’s constipation at the same time).
Eat carefully before and during
It’s best to avoid greasy food before boarding a plane. You don’t want to have an upset stomach for the whole flight. In addition, science has proven that being in the air prevents our bodies from properly digesting. So it’s best to avoid overeating as well.
Stay hydrated
The air inside an airplane cabin is often held at a humidity level of 10-20%. This is much lower than the normal indoor humidity level of about 40%. For this reason, it’s easy to become dried out and fatigued during a long flight. Combat dehydration by drinking at least 8 ounces of water for every hour you are in the air.
Avoid alcohol and caffeine
We know that a celebratory we’re-going-on-vacation drink can be nice, but alcohol and the caffeine found in coffee and soda will only dehydrate you in the already desert-like conditions of an airplane cabin.
Upgrade for extra legroom
The easiest way to be comfortable is to upgrade to business or first class. Alternatively, you can pay for economy seats with more legroom on most airlines. If you’ve got frequent flier miles, use them.
Research your plane
Before you choose a seat, look up your flight on SeatGuru.com. The website uses its own algorithm as well as customer reviews to tell you which is the best seat on your flight.
Every hour or so, get up and move around. Whether it’s a lap around the plane or a few yoga postures in the standing area, a bit of exercise will help you feel less restless.
Layer up
You never quite know if the plane is going to be boiling hot or freezing cold, so it’s best to dress in layers that you can add or remove.
For more info, visit Fly & Sea Adventures.
The post Long haul flight survival appeared first on DIVER magazine.