Moray Garden – Golden Blocks
Golden Blocks
Location: Situated at the Southern oasis which is reached by car along coastal road from El Qura bay, distance approx 10 kilometre located directly before Happy Life Village.
Depth: 45 Metres
Description: Two hard coral towers of golden colour give the site its name. Descend over sandy slope passing extensive area of sea grass on right. Proceed northwards to depth 16 -20 with reef on left to reach the golden block towers marked by big gorgonian at 18 meters. If you still have adequate air at this point you can return to your starting point, otherwise end the dive here and exit.
Moray Garden
Location: Situated at the Southern oasis which is reached by car along coastal road from El Qura bay, distance approx 10 kilometres located directly after Happy Life Village.
Depth: 45 meter approx
Description: Site is protected from waves, entry is easy from beach. Moray Garden is a perfect dive sites for diving courses to be conducted due to plateau area of 5 meters, followed by sandy slope to 12 meters max, continue onwards and you will encounter a coral garden slope ending at 60 meters depth. A beautiful drop off can be found by the north of the site. Exit from original entry point.
Access to another site called Golden Blocks can be taken as a drift dive. Please see other plan for details.
This map has been used with permission from Geodia