Location: Situated on Northern point of Assalah Bay in Masbat Area, in the centre of Dahab.
Depth: 80 Metres +
Description: One of the most popular sites in Dahab due to easy access and suitability for all water sport activities. Entry from the beach is easy in all conditions. The bay descends via extending sloping reef with good range of depths to max 30 metres suiting all level of divers, with sandy bottom and hard coral towers. Route winds along sandy ledge to the towers descending to max depth 30 metres and slowly ascending to 8 – 12 metres following reef wall coming back to your starting point. Shallow wall of the fringing reef plate and sloping reef make the Lighthouse an excellent site for night diving – all of the south area of the lighthouse is sandy area until Mashraba site.
This map has been used with permission from Geodia