

Location: Situated 1.5 kilometres south of the Blue Hole.

Depth: 54 Metres depth inside canyon, drop off to 90 meters.

Description: Access walking across the reef platform for a dozen meters before reaching lagoon entrance to sea. (Lagoon depth 3 meters).  Entry and exit point at the saddle at the end of the lagoon, reaching coral garden stretching 5 to 10 meters deep. Head straight to Canyon following 80 degree heading, with small reef wall on left. The Canyon is a deep opening in the sea bed, opening at north-south direction within reef slope descending to 54 meters. Entry through widest point to sandy bottom at 20 meters. Turn northwards and ascend 15 meters into another small opening and DO NOT exit through the ‘Fish Bowl’ which is now unstable. After following its parameter keep reef on right and head back to lagoon of original entry. Take care of the current as you enter the lagoon, keeping you body as close to right hand side of the reef.

This map has been used with permission from Geodia

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