One of my colleagues fondly remembers being 12 and having his father grin broadly and proudly while watching him through a window. The window viewed into a pool where he was taking scuba lessons, [...]
While diving some time ago, I overheard a nearby team going through the BWRAF (BCD-Weights-Releases-Air-Final check) predive safety check. At “A” — Air — they checked valves open, test breathed, [...]
Every diver is humanity’s torchbearers to the underwater world. And probably more importantly, the underwater world’s ambassador to humanity. The post You Are A Torchbearer appeared [...]
2020 has been a difficult year for everyone – much harder for some people and in some areas than others – and probably most of us will be glad to put it behind us. But, 2021 is going to be a much [...]
The PADI organization salutes all those who knowingly expose themselves to risk for the greater good of the communities and countries they represent. Active-duty military personnel and veterans [...]
As the world continues to struggle with the pandemic, many areas are beginning to cautiously reopen. Depending on the where you are, social distancing and other requirements appropriately remain, [...]
What are your diver resolutions for 2020? Still kicking ideas around? Let me suggest joining me in a Seek Adventure; Save the Ocean resolution to have at least 20 dive adventures, take at least [...]
Over the last 50 years, PADI® has brought millions of souls into the family of divers who confidently and comfortably explore the underwater world together. The dive experience is sensory; it [...]
A favorite memory: Midnight, relaxed post-dive-damp on deck, a comfortable tropical breeze, draped by stars so dense we can’t find our favorite constellations. Soundless, but for waves lightly [...]
Some of my previous blogs mention the differences divers make when we unite for important changes. A recent example, more than 23,000 divers and supporters joined Project AWARE® and other groups [...]